Feeling Uninspired? How To Get Off the Fence, Unstuck & Inspired

Being stuck is like being deserted in a dark, pitless abyss – reliving the same day over and over again.
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At some point in our lives, we all feel stuck, uninspired. Stuck in the rut of a busy life. Stuck in the disappointments, resentments, and bitterness that threaten to conquer our spirits. Stuck in a failure we cannot seem to overcome. Stuck in this self destructive cycle of repetition, feeling consumed by this overwhelming sense of “what you should do” and “what you cannot do”.

So, while you’re perched on this high fence, feeling the force of the splinters digging into your skin, paralyzed with the fear of what you cannot achieve, it’s time for a change. It’s time to get back on the horse. It’s time to take control, and be inspired. Ladies and gentlemen, today, you will get off that fence.

Here are some ways to help you get your mojo on!

1. Get Out of the Comfort Zone – Take Risks
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“If you are stuck in a rut today, it’s because you got comfortable there.” – Anonymous
It’s easy to get caught up in the routine of life. Slowly and gradually, that routine becomes a habit. It’s something familiar. You like it because it makes you feel safe – for now. Over time, it is this place of familiarity and comfort that becomes our most cruel prison. You find yourself challenged because you can’t seem to find a way to get out of it, and take your life to the next level. A temporary day time job that wasn’t exactly what you wanted, but it was a safer option. Now you’re stuck in a mind-numbing 9-5 job that you hate. You got there because you got too comfortable.
Focus on your goals, your passion – what thrives you. Is there something that you’ve always wanted to do, but never got around to doing it? It’s time to take some risks. Liven up your senses. Do it!

2. Let Go of the Chains That Bind You

“The only thing standing between you and your goals is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it.” – Jordan Belfort

It’s amazing how we tend to hold ourselves back from achieving what we truly want because of the “I can’t” mentality. What are these limiting beliefs? Statements like, “I can’t because I’ve never done that before “or “I don’t know how to”. These weaknesses are simply excuses that we make up because of the fear of the unknown. You can’t really know what you can and cannot do until you actually go out and reach for it. Don’t let your demons hold you back.

3. Find Your Inner Passion

Imagen 3“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition; they somehow already know what you truly want.” – Steve Jobs

Most often, amidst the noise of a hundred people, we find it difficult to find our own voice. And so, we resort to suppressing that inner voice. Discover what you really want to do with your life. Your passion is that inner voice – that nudging, all-consuming feeling that is that sole purpose of your being. Like a fire within, it ignites your soul and spirit. Find it. Nurture it. Implement it! When you find yourself putting more energy and enthusiasm into something than what is needed, you will know that you’ve finally founded that passion that becomes your motivation.

4. Learn Something New

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Another reason why you’re feeling stuck is because you feel like you don’t have the essential skills to move forward. Expanding your skills by learning something new could be a confidence boost – exactly what you need. Learn a new language. There are many free apps that allow you to do so for free. Enroll in an art class. Nothing gets your creative juices flowing better than having to vent out on a plain white canvas. Invest time into doing something new that will add value to you.

5. Get Up & Moving

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

Feeling caught up in a rut exhausts you of any energy. Looking to feel rejuvenated again? Then it’s time you get moving. Running, sprinting, or working out is a great way to get that boost of energy. It’ll do wonders to get you motivated, unleashing you from the restrictive bonds that you’ve shackled yourself in.

6. Meet New People

“Every person is a new door to a different world.” – Anonymous

Ever heard of the Law of Attraction? Using a “like attracts like” it goes on to say that we meet new people most often, because we need them. Let’s say you’re working on some piece, feeling like you’re up against the wall. Speaking to different people will help broaden your horizon, allowing you to take a new view on your project. You learn more, and before you know it, these strangers have very strategically been transformed into your muse.

7. If You’re Backed Up Against the Wall – Break It!

“Never give up; miracles happen every day.” – Anonymous

There’s nothing worse than the feeling of helplessness; knowing that there is little that you can do. The truth is that you have a choice. Manifest the power of belief. It’s mind over matter. The only way you can get out of that rut, that destructive situation is if you truly believe that you can. Amazing things happen simply because you start believing in yourself. Our mind is capable of a lot more than what we give it credit for. It is an infinite force, with insurmountable strength. Put it to use. An impossible task? Make it happen! Find the loop holes, the hidden solutions, or the alternate solution.

Believe that you will find a way to get unstuck, and nothing can stop you!


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