programing for succes

Yvonne Dayan – MSW PSY NLP Hypnosis
The Weight Loss Programming for Success Meditation/Hypnosis series
Is designed for empowering you to:

  • Accelerate healing abilities of the body
  • Remove energy blockages and stress
  • Clease from toxins boost immune system
  • Raise vibrational frequency of the body
  • Spiritual growth and emotional clearing

And More… In just 20 minutes

Some of the Benefits of All Forte Meditation Series:
Relaxes the Body releasing it from built up tension Anxiety and Stress
Raises the frequency of your emotions, increasing peace and happiness
Raises Energy Vibration of the Mind to achieve New positive thinking
Boost your immune system to function at its best
Accelerate the Body’s natural Healing mechanisms to promote healing

The body is a wonderous machine and system that can self heal when we help it and give it the proper mental and physical and emotional environment
That’s why it is so important to have a program that really works, at the regenerative level of the subconscious mind, where you can relax, let the suggestions be absorbed and naturally accelerate your desired outcome of healing. FORTE HEALING offers you a powerful program packed with relaxation techniques, soothing meditation, high frequency music, visualizations, and Declarations that will inspire you now, and forever!

This 60 Min CD has 4 sections, carefully designed to connect with your true essence, the Force and beauty within, and help you achieve the body, health and strength and vitality and longevity you deserve, which many times gets covered by layers of eating out of stress and anxiety and fear.

Track 1: introduction
Part 2. Relaxation
Part 3: Meditation/Hypnotherapy for Weight loss and Get Fit & Trim. (20 MIN) Only
Part 4: Declarations/Affirmations that you can use during meditation and while driving or performing any other activity.
Relax into the soothing alpha state, and high frequency music, and within minutes feel your whole body ease and settle into the depths of your Inner Forte where positivity, motivation, and a sense of freedom and inner peace will boost your energy vitality and physical fitness.
With over 20 years of experience and hundreds of thousands trained world wide, Yvonne Dayan is internationally acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and the body-mind- field. She has taught at world class retreats including Esalen and skyros, with breathtaking results and has trained many meditation teachers worldwide.

Yvonne Dayan – MSW PSY NLP Hypnosis

Yvonne Dayan – MSW PSY NLP Hypnosis

The Weight Loss Programming for Success Meditation/Hypnosis series Is designed for empowering you to:

  • Enjoy more love in your life
  • Boost your self love
  • Increase your love for others
  • Expand your love for your world
  • Let go of negative emotions, and feel lighter
And More… In just 20 minutes

Love makes the world go around. We are all wired for love, connection and relationships.
That’s why it is so important to have a program that really works, at the regenerative level of the subconscious mind, where you can relax, let the suggestions be absorbed and naturally accelerate your desired outcome of increase the energy of Love in your life. FORTE LOVE MEDITATION offers you a powerful program packed with relaxation techniques, soothing meditation, high frequency music, visualizations, and Declarations that will inspire you now, and forever!

This 60 Min CD has 4 sections, carefully designed to connect with your true essence, the inner Force and beauty of the love within, and help you achieve the affection, appreciation, emotion and passion you can enjoy, which many times gets covered by layers of negative emotions that keep you isolated or feeling alone.

Track 1: Is an introduction
Part 2. Relaxation
Part 3: Creative Meditation/Hypnotherapy. (20 MIN) Only
Part 4: Declarations/Affirmations that you can use during meditation and while driving or performing any other activity.

Relax into the soothing alpha state, and high frequency music, and within minutes feel your whole body ease and settle into the depths of your Inner Forte where positivity, motivation, and a sense of freedom and inner peace will boost your emotional well being, passion, and longevity.

With over 20 years of experience and hundreds of thousands trained world wide, Yvonne Dayan is internationally acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and the body-mind- field. She has taught at world class retreats including Esalen and skyros, with breathtaking results and has trained many meditation teachers worldwide.

Yvonne Dayan – MSW PSY NLP Hypnosis

The Weight Loss Programming for Success Meditation/Hypnosis series
Is designed for empowering you to:

  • Believe in You
  • Attract what you want
  • Balance and flexibility thinking
  • Relax and Focused mind
  • Cultivate qualities that Fulfill your Dreams

Integrate Body Mind & Heart
And More… In just 20 minutes

The nature of the mind fluctuates in a million directions, and we unknowingly are prone to focus on pessimistic influences that rob us of our desired dreams
That’s why it is so important to have a program that really works, at the regenerative level of the subconscious mind, where you can relax, let the suggestions be absorbed and naturally accelerate your desired outcome of creating a Mindset for Success. FORTE MINDSET MEDITATION offers you a powerful program packed with relaxation techniques, soothing meditation, high frequency music, visualizations, and Declarations that will inspire you now, and forever!

This 60 Min CD has 4 sections, carefully designed to connect with your true essence, the Mind inner Force and talent within, and help you attract and achieve the relationships, the business or personal growth, and passion you seek, which many times gets covered by layers of stagnated thinking that keeps you from fulfilling your potential.

Track 1: Is an introduction
Part 2. Relaxation
Part 3: Creative Meditation/Hypnotherapy. (20 MIN) Only
Part 4: Declarations/Affirmations that you can use during meditation and while driving or performing any other activity.

Relax into the soothing alpha state, and high frequency music, and within minutes feel your whole body ease and settle into the depths of your Inner Forte where positivity, motivation, and a sense of freedom and inner peace will boost your energy vitality and longevity.

With over 20 years of experience and hundreds of thousands trained world wide, Yvonne Dayan is internationally acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and the body-mind- field. She has taught at world class retreats including Esalen and skyros, with breathtaking results and has trained many meditation teachers worldwide.

Yvonne Dayan – MSW PSY NLP Hypnosis

The Weight Loss Programming for Success Meditation/Hypnosis series
Is designed for empowering you to:

  • Become a Magnet for Prosperity
  • Increase your Wealth & Abundance
  • Release a lack and poverty mentality
  • Believe in possibilities that promote financial success
  • Perceive Big Picture Perspective, consistency & tap your full potential

And More… In just 20 minutes

Having an abundance mindset as opposed to a lack and poverty mentality is crucial to every choice you make, in every aspect of your life. The truth is there is more than enough of everything to go around.
That’s why it is so important to have a program that really works, at the regenerative level of the subconscious mind, where you can relax, let the suggestions be absorbed and naturally accelerate your desired outcome of loosing weight. FORTE ABUNDANCE MEDITATION offers you a powerful program packed with relaxation techniques, soothing meditation, high frequency music, visualizations, and Declarations that will inspire you now, and forever!

This 60 Min CD has 4 sections, carefully designed to connect with your true essence, the inner Force and creativity within, and help you attract opportunities for wealth, success, happiness you deserve, which many times gets covered by layers of lack, limitation, and negative thinking.

Track 1: Is an introduction
Part 2. Relaxation
Part 3: Creative Meditation/Hypnotherapy. (20 MIN) Only
Part 4: Declarations/Affirmations that you can use during meditation and while driving or performing any other activity.

Relax into the soothing alpha state, and high frequency music, and within minutes feel your whole body ease and settle into the depths of your Inner Forte where positivity, motivation, and a sense of freedom and inner peace will boost your sense of abundance, creativity, and open you up to a possibility mindset.

With over 20 years of experience and hundreds of thousands trained world wide, Yvonne Dayan is internationally acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and the body-mind- field. She has taught at world class retreats including Esalen and skyros, with breathtaking results and has trained many meditation teachers worldwide.

Yvonne Dayan – MSW PSY NLP Hypnosis

The Self Confidence Programming for Success Meditation/Hypnosis series
Is designed for empowering you to:

Be more self-confident

  • Act in self assured ways that raise your self esteem
  • Boost your inner power
  • Feel secure within yourself and your assets
  • Accept and Love yourself

And More… In just 20 minutes

Self confidence is a trait that spills into all areas of our lives. Most people want it but are just not sure how to get it.
That’s why it is so important to have a program that really works, at the regenerative level of the subconscious mind, where you can relax, let the suggestions be absorbed and naturally accelerate your desired outcome of FORTE SELF CONFIDENCE. MEDITATION offers you a powerful program packed with relaxation techniques, soothing meditation, high frequency music, visualizations, and Declarations that will inspire you now, and forever!

This 60 Min CD has 4 sections, carefully designed to connect with your true essence, the inner Force and believe in yourself, and help you achieve the self assurance, inner power which many times gets covered by layers of perfectionistic attitudes, or approval seeking.

Track 1: Is an introduction
Part 2. Relaxation
Part 3: Creative Meditation/Hypnotherapy. (20 MIN) Only
Part 4: Declarations/Affirmations that you can use during meditation and while driving or performing any other activity.

Relax into the soothing alpha state, and high frequency music, and within minutes feel your whole body ease and settle into the depths of your Inner Forte where positivity, motivation, and a sense of freedom and inner peace will boost your self confidence, self assurance and self esteem and inner power to conquer your dreams

With over 20 years of experience and hundreds of thousands trained world wide, Yvonne Dayan is internationally acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and the body-mind- field. She has taught at world class retreats including Esalen and skyros, with breathtaking results and has trained many meditation teachers worldwide.

Yvonne Dayan – MSW PSY NLP Hypnosis

The Stress Management Programming for Success Meditation/Hypnosis series
Is designed for empowering you to:

  • Let go of stress and release every day anxiety
  • Relax & Release of built up tension
  • Increase alertness, creativity, healing
  • Cleanse your mind of harmful negative thoughts
  • Balance and renew your spirit with inner peace
  • Infuse positive energy & revitalize your immune function

And More… In just 20 minutes

Stress is a fact of life. The negative effects of stress disturbs our physical and mental and spiritual equilibrium, triggers our fight or flight response and causes hormones like cortisol and adrenaline to surge the body, causing dis-ease, pressure.
That’s why it is so important to have a program that really works, at the regenerative level of the subconscious mind, where you can relax, let the suggestions be absorbed and naturally accelerate your desired outcome of being at peace to enjoy your life and better concentration to achieve success. FORTE STRESS MANAGEMENT MEDITATION offers you a powerful program packed with relaxation techniques, soothing meditation, high frequency music, visualizations, and Declarations that will inspire you now, and forever!

This 60 Min CD has 4 sections, carefully designed to connect with your true essence, the inner Force and resources of peace, and help you achieve the serenity and tranquility energy and positivity you need to thrive and enjoy life, which many times gets covered by layers of stress, pressure, and worry.

Track 1: Is an introduction
Part 2. Relaxation
Part 3: Creative Meditation/Hypnotherapy. (20 MIN) Only
Part 4: Declarations/Affirmations that you can use during meditation and while driving or performing any other activity.

Relax into the soothing alpha state, and high frequency music, and within minutes feel your whole body ease and settle into the depths of your Inner Forte where positivity, motivation, and a sense of freedom and inner peace will boost your energy, balance and overall sense of health and wellness

With over 20 years of experience and hundreds of thousands trained world wide, Yvonne Dayan is internationally acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and the body-mind- field. She has taught at world class retreats including Esalen and skyros, with breathtaking results and has trained many meditation teachers worldwide.

Yvonne Dayan – MSW PSY NLP Hypnosis
The Weight Loss Programming for Success Meditation/Hypnosis series

Weight gain and overeating is a modern-day epidemic That’s why it is so important to have a program that really works, at the regenerative level of the subconscious mind, where you can relax, let the suggestions be absorbed and naturally accelerate your desired outcome of loosing weight. FORTE WEIGHT LOSS MEDITATION offers you a powerful program packed with relaxation techniques, soothing meditation, high frequency music, visualizations, and Declarations that will inspire you now, and forever!

This 60 Min CD has 4 sections, carefully designed to connect with your true essence, the Force and beauty within, and help you achieve the body, appearance and looks you deserve, which many times gets covered by layers of eating out of stress and anxiety and fear.

The Weight Loss Programming for Success Meditation/Hypnosis series Is designed for empowering you to:
  • Loose weight and keep it off
  • Create new eating habits that promote wellness and joy
  • Boost your confidence & energy level
  • Get fit and Trim easy
  • Eat mindfully
And More… In just 20 minutes




