There is a secret psychology to success! Most people haven’t discovered it.
That’s why most people aren’t really happy and getting what they want.
There is not lack in the universe, only a lack of understanding of how to tap into this power.

In only one day you will:
  • Boost your self-esteem & achieve your Dreams
  • Learn How to Loose weight naturally without diets
  • Know the right foods that feed Your brain
…And much more!

Call to organize a Seminar in Your City

Are you ready to ignite your FORTE?
Ignite Your Forte is:
A 3-DAY experiential hands-on training that will transform your body, mind & spirit for success! & reinvent your future!

In just one weekend you will:
  • Unlock your passion and purpose for your life
  • Empower your ability to attract what you want in the shortest time
  • Identify the areas of your life that are stagnated and learn to propel them to the next level
…And much more!

Call to organize a Seminar in Your City

A One Night Workshop where you will learn how to attract your dream relationship using your power of attraction from the inside- outand how to realize your maximum potential

Follow we will have 3 COACHING weeks $297.00 Special price for those who assist to the workshop $57.00 – per session $120.00 for the 3 nights

Topics that we will cover during the 3 week coaching
  • 3 Basics you need to Know Before attracting with our Love Forte
  • Discover Why we loose our power of attraction- and how to gain in back
  • 2 limitations that prevents our beloved from appearing and how to turn that around
…And much more!

Call to organize a Seminar in Your City

If the path of Kabbalah calls you, let Yvonne Dayan reveal to you the secrets of the ancient mystics of the Bible to tap into the hidden power of creation itself through an intricate system of mystical inquiry, body movement, meditation and exercis es that will transform your life forever.

In only one Weekend you will:
  • Experience love and higher consioussness.
  • Renew your passion and joy for living.
  • Enliving your selfworth and selfesteem.
…And much more!

Call to organize a Seminar in Your City